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The Self~Care Truth



So I begin…to share on a topic, a lifestyle practice, that is near and dear to my heart. In fact, I would have to say…saved my life!

There are so many angels, threads and might I say…myths around self~care. Let me throw some out that you may relate to or even believe.

I’m not worthy of self~care, it takes too much time, it seems selfish (oh wait narcissistic?), it’s to expensive, others must come first (co-dependence slant?), its to scary to look at me and my needs, my health and recovery are to beyond repair. I could go on, but you get the gist.

My own journey on the realization of this non-negotiable deal of self~care…is that if I don’t do it…I may die. Wow pretty dramatic, terrifying, and…The Truth!! 

My health and recovery in all areas of my life depends on this one major life style practice…SELF~CARE. I know there is a direct connection to our self~care and self~love. But what I have personally found and see in my clients, some friends and family members is that…when you begin to self care…your self~love…follows suit. They go together…do they not? I’d…say yes!

May I invite you to jump on board the self~care…self~love journey. It can transform and possibly save your life. That is a Self~Care Truth!

Blessings, Pati Reiss (no AI)


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